Influencer Profile- Natasha.sengupta
” Nomad I Reviewers I Influencers I Travelers I InstaBloggers
#PlixxoInsider Email for Collab, Reviews, PR to
Industry- Consumer Goods   Followers –5k   Following – 3k
Natasha sen gupta is a Consumer goods influencers having a substantial following. Her first post was on Aug 12, 2017 which received 6 comments and 87 likes. Since then her influence and reach has increased substantially.
Natasha is connected with a lot of other influencers as well. Therefore, her influence score will be higher than the influence score of other people who might have same number of followers but not as influential. This score is crucial because a low score might indicate that the profile is fake. This score takes into account the engagement on the content posted by Natasha.

Content posted by Natasha can reach a lot more people than her followers because her reach score is 10/10. Even though followers count has its own significance, one must be careful with this metric since for some influencers, these followers or likes may not be organic.
A score of 10 implies that the influencer posts at least 3 times per week and at least 10 times per month. Since Natasha’s industry is Consumer Goods, a 8/10 score is pretty good, but for some industries a lower score might also work. It depends on how frequently the audience is looking for new content.

Given below is the list of hashtags most frequently used by Natasha. As you can see, the most used hashtags consist of #honest_reviews, #igramming_india, #plixxo which helps Natasha establish her niche in these categories under Consumer Goods. This will help brands understand which of their products will be most benefited through an endorsement by Natasha. She also uses a mix of industry hashtags to help audience discover her content and not just the audience looking for classical looks.

Given below is the list of account Natasha frequently tags in her posts. This is beneficial for the brands (vivo, amul, matrix) that an influencer is referencing their brand or products. This helps brand increase awareness among Natasha’s followers and it will create more impact coming from Natasha rather than their own advertisements.