Influencer Profile – Arushi Patkey
Owner – Arushi Patkey
Content creator
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[email protected]
Catch up my latest videos”
Industry – Fashion Followers – 13.6k Following – 922
Arushi Patkey is a fashion influencers having a substantial following. Her first post was on Oct 20, 2014 which received 1 comment and 28 likes. Since then her influence and reach has increased substantially.

Arushi has a large number of influential followers and high engagement on her posts. Therefore, her influence score is high. This score is crucial because a low score might indicate that the profile is fake.

Given below is the list of hashtags most frequently used by Arushi. As you can see the group consists of both her own hashtags (#yourinnerspark) and industry (#fashionblogger). This helps Arushi establish her brand as an expert in fashion and easily discoverable to the people who are looking out of content in this industry.

Given below is the list of account Arushi frequently tags in her posts. This is beneficial for brand that an influencer is referencing their brand or products. This helps brand increase awareness among Arushi’s followers and it will create more impact coming from Arushi rather than their own advertisements.