
Why RankMeOnline?

It bridges the gap between monitoring to development😊

What is RankMeOnline?

Rank me online is a team of motivated people from diverse backgrounds aligned to help all kinds of businesses grow in digital space. We see customer’s perception and preferences and according to it we give reputation score to the brands to help the businesses, target this metric in an easier and a focused way.

Our product monitors more than 100 platforms to extract and analyse real time opinion data of your customers from various social media platforms and other review sites. Our customised AI algorithm analysis  qualitative reviews to help you understand the digital perception of your brand and help you make further strategic decisions.

Rank me online provides overall  image of your brand across geographies which gives you a superior comprehension of where and how your brand can perform better.
We provide comparison of your business with your competitors and industry’s best performers. Come up and implement the best practices and stay ahead of your competitors.

The product is composition of all the elements that make the advanced view of brand. We get the data from all the sources or channels that influence the brand and it’s visibility, be it facebook, google searches, surveys and complaints present anywhere on the web. We run our own Curated Algorithms on the data, deep learn the information available and present the learned data to the business. Rank me online is the solution targeted for all the brands which play primarily in Indian markets. Our Product is Curated to take care of Indian businesses and personalities.

Shruti Sachdeva

Shruti Sachdeva is a Client Servicing Manager at Energetic Stars. She is friendly, fun loving, and hardworking person who excels in nurturing company culture, and creating meaningful experiences for clients and co-workers alike. She earned Bachelor’s degree from Delhi University and now with her job she also invests her time in her studies for Masters in Business Administration. Her energy of doing mischievous things and crave for knowledge, finding new ways of customer handling makes her to stand out from the crowd and makes her more creative. In her spare time, Shruti enjoys cooking, reading, spending time with family and friends! Although not musically inclined in any way, shape, or form, Shruti loves singing because she feels it’s a Stress Burster. Moreover she was always appraised for her singing skills since her school days.