Quora – An another platform to generate leads
How Quora generate leads for your business
Quora is a social media platform for asking Questions and answering questions. Quora can individually be best and effective tool for Lead Generation. People generally ask knowledge-based questions, one can be expert and answer the question as well as ask the questions from experts at a time. More than 100 million visitors are using quora on a daily basis. This platform works best when you are truly engaging with other people who truly need answers to the inquiries that they have. Quora is a space to start your content marketing with giving answers to the interested topics. This platform is basically used to boost your content marketing efforts to get the opportunity of getting more traffic and acquire more leads.
As a result of this present stage’s uniqueness, it has pulled in experts from around the world from a variety of enterprises. These specialists by and by giving answers to questions that have been asked by their followers. The community has the power to upvote answers based on quality and accuracy. This one of a kind advertising system alone has added to the expanding fame of the site. So how can one utilize Quora to improve lead age and increment deals?
Step 1 : Create your presence on quora
It is totally free as well as easy making account on quora. Either sign-in with your google account or facebook account.

Step 2 : Update your profile
Update your profile with your professional information like your current designation, academic skills, experience to boost your profile so that people get maximum information about you and your representing company.

Step 3 : Follow interested topics related to your business
To generate inbound leads on quora, Follow relevant topics which are related to your business or industry. You may enter your interested topic in your profile so that you get notified whenever the related question will be asked by anyone. Either be the expert and answer relevant questions so that genuine customers may reach personally or ask Quiz questions with your audience then at the end, enter your answer with deep insights and knowledge to amaze audience and then send direct message to interested ones. You can also edit your profile and search for topics you “knows about.”

Step 4 : Add relevant links in your answers
To get more traffic on your website, blog sites just drop your website and blog content links so that while reading answers they click on the link mentioned to get more details about the topic.

Step 5 : Respond on Inbound leads and propose genuine leads on quora
While answering relevant questions related to your business , you may encounter genuine prospects. Don’t be affraid to reach out them through quora messenger if you think you can solve their problem easily or you can help them out. There is a possibility of conversion.

By taking this approach you should be able to use Quora as a powerful lead generation platform. Good luck !!!