
6 Aggresive Strategies to fix your Customer’s Perception

6 Aggresive Strategies to fix your Customer’s Perception

1. Engage with your Customers Consistently

Blog posting, Article Writing, Social media Engagement is the most ideal approach to connect with mass group of onlookers. People’s need and wants are changing constantly,to make your products and services more adaptable to the changes you have to look up on the comments below mentioned in your content. There are various blog posting portal and social media platforms through which as a company you may interact or reach to better know how they perceive your brand.

2.Try Addressing Negative Content About your Brand, If available

Online Presence is extremely vital in today’s businesses. Every second person is using smartphones, laptops This is the reason every product and services providers are coming online ,but having online existing can build your business as well as it can harm too. So you need to take care that there are no negative reviews left unaddressed or unresolved. Complaints if present on the internet about your company make your customers feel extreme negative about your brand. Studies say that 90% of customers read online reviews and 88% people rely on them while considering a business. Keep your brands reputation positive which automatically helps to fix your customer’s perception.

3. Give special perks to your Premium Customers

By offering special perks and discount offers to your existing and premium customers may make your customer satisfied and satisfied customer give you more referrals and a good word of mouth. It can  work as an extremely worthwhile promotional strategy for your business.This move may change customer’s perception about your company like 20% off ,300 credits etc.

4. Share Testimonials on Website 

Post testimonial Content of your happy and neutral customers on your website as well as on all social media platforms based on true events with their good names ,profile images, which will make it more realistic.

Ask your Happy and loyal customers to post videos about their experience with your brand and optimise those videos so that if potential customers are looking forward to seek information about your company ,on the initial pages if they find your testimonial video, it will automatically push them to click an action button.

5. Add Feedback form in all Customer’s Mail

Make your company easily available to people So that they can easily reach you out and share their feedback ,negative Feedbacks will help your brand to be adaptable and flexible to changes and makes your brand better and Positive feedback will make you feel happy that you are successful in serving your customer. So best strategy to get feedback from youth is to affix close ended Feedback form with one description column which will not take much time else facing hassles in reaching organisation can make your customer’s more aggressive.

6. Arrange Offline Events

Make your brand Customer friendly by arranging meet ups and offline events with your Clients ,Customers and your Competitors.
It will be helpful for the people who are NOT digitally available. It will also increase the trust score in the brand as they can physically see you, talk to you and engage with you

Shruti Sachdeva

Shruti Sachdeva is a Client Servicing Manager at Energetic Stars. She is friendly, fun loving, and hardworking person who excels in nurturing company culture, and creating meaningful experiences for clients and co-workers alike. She earned Bachelor’s degree from Delhi University and now with her job she also invests her time in her studies for Masters in Business Administration. Her energy of doing mischievous things and crave for knowledge, finding new ways of customer handling makes her to stand out from the crowd and makes her more creative. In her spare time, Shruti enjoys cooking, reading, spending time with family and friends! Although not musically inclined in any way, shape, or form, Shruti loves singing because she feels it’s a Stress Burster. Moreover she was always appraised for her singing skills since her school days.